Cambridge is probably best known for its world-class universities like Harvard University and is the home of many world-class companies and innovators in high-technology, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and other emerging technologies. The city is rich in diversity with more than one in five residents foreign born.
Cambridge Demographics |
Population |
Housing Units |
Households |
105,162 |
47,291 |
44,032 |
White |
Asian |
Black or African American |
66.6% |
15.1% |
11.7% |
Hispanic or Latin |
Two more Races |
Born outside US |
7.6% |
4.3% |
Households with children unde age of 18 |
Households with married couples living together |
Households with Individuals |
16.9% |
28.9% |
40.7% |
Households living alone 65 and over |
Average Household Size |
10.1% |
2.0 |
- |
Democrats |
Republican |
Unenrolled |
62.7% |
6.7% |
30.5% |
This information is based on 2010 census data. No warranties are made as to the accuracy of this information. Please verify these numbers independently before making any purchasing decisions |